To say “I have no religious affiliation” is to say…
- I am such a lazy-ass I can’t make-up my mind
- I am so mixed-up I can’t figure it out
- I am so lame I will just leave those matters for others to deal with
- I don’t really care what God does with me; I’ll take whatever He deals me
- I am not going to waste my time weighing through all the evidences for God
- Churches are so screwed-up… I do not care what the Bible says about going there
- I do not care what God says (in the Bible) about the value of going to church
Really!? Don’t you care about your eternity, where you will spend a million-years-to-the-infinite-number?
Spending your days in hell ever occur to you? Have you not thought about spending even 1 day in hell? Does that not motivate you to at least investigate the evidence in order to put that thought to rest?
What kind of fool are you…?
- I will focus all my energies on my 70+ earthly years, and leave to chance my million-infinite-years.
- I am so egocentric that God will just have to get in line. Forget God.
- I am all there is, all I care about. What does “god” have to do with anything?
- I have, and am, everything I need. God has never helped me with anything. What god?
- Life is tough enough as it is! Why add some “god” to my mess!?
- If God exists – why hasn’t he shown himself to me? He hasn’t said a word to me!
Did you know…?
- There are more evidences for the truth of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead — than there are for even the existence of the life of famous French general and emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte I (1769-1821)!
- Jesus Christ is a real, historical man — who claimed to be God, Creator of the universe.
- Jesus Christ predicted He would be put to death.
- Jesus Christ predicted He would be killed and then rise up from the dead three days later.
- It is recorded evidence that over 500 witnesses claimed to see Jesus after His crucifixion and resurrection from the dead.
- The disciples of Christ all testified of meeting Jesus Christ after His death and resurrection.
- The disciples of Christ all died a martyr’s death (except John) still holding to their claims about Christ.
- The disciples of Christ all testified of witnessing Jesus Christ leaving earth by floating up into the sky as He said His last words to them.
God has been actively at work throughout our history – to show us who He is and what He expects of us.
Whatever it is holding you down, you do not have to remain a fool. You can investigate for yourself and choose to follow Christ. It is not too late – yet.
To say “I have no religious affiliation” is such a crock! Really!? Don’t you care about your eternity, where you will spend a million-years-to-the-infinite-number?
Stats: USA surveys (from 1985-2016) found 25% of adults, especially millennials, claim “no religious affiliation”.
John 8: Jesus Himself Declared He Is God
Jesus Predicted His Death and Resurrection…Luke 18:31-34
Evidence for all Jews and Goy that the Messiah came to earth
How Many People Saw Jesus Alive Again? | | 3.28.2019
The fool says …What kind of fool do you think I am?
We are the odd creature are we not?
Getting to Heaven with no Left Foot
What happens when you do not know what the Bible says on a matter?
God spoke through prophets and Jesus – the Greatest of All
Why Believe Such Stupididiotic Things?!
The Mystery of the Gospel has been revealed
The Wonder of the Birth of God
The message of salvation spoken by Jesus to Paul
The One-off Offer Jesus makes to everyone
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