I cast my cares on You my Lord, Father God. I look to You in faith believing You will carry the day today. Power me through it. Love others through me.
I know You go before me. You prepare the way before I get there. You know my ways before I think them up and go myself. I am amazed by the power of Your Might.
Yet what a kind and gentle, mild and loving God You are to all who seek you and find you and bow the knee. How wonderful beyond all thoughts I can have, beyond expressing, way beyond my understanding.
You are who You are, what You’ve so clearly written into Your Word, not who I myself want to make You. I have chosen to follow You, and not give heed to false imitations. You are You, not what others say you are. And I choose to stand for you, in Christ, in Truth.
You’ve shared the mystery of your plan for the ages, revealed at last through Christ here on earth, arriving that first Christmas morning, a child in a manger, so poor and so frail. You came not to conquer but die, a lamb led to slaughter by evil designs, but, truth is — you planned it. Before all Creation You knew You would come here, You’d die here… for me – for all.
I’m ever grateful, ever grateful, ever grateful for your grace, for that love that brought you down to earth so weak, so suffering, selfless, gentle in your power, Holy God. I’ve been redeemed by the blood you shed in death.
You proved it all that 3rd day rotting in that tomb, You arose and You conquered death. Proved to all, walking, talking, eating, being touched. More than five hundred souls saw You and witnessed you — alive. You resurrected so triumphant from the grave. Thank you Lord.
Father, thank you for this day, for this another start. You are my Hope, my bright and morning star. You are my defender. You are the anchor of my soul. And I rejoice in you.
Search me and know me. Show me any habits that you do not approve of. Cleanse me – my heart and mind and soul and spirit. Renew a right spirit within me. You are all I need today – so I can be all you want me to be.
I get up now refreshed in You, walking in Your Spirit. Keep me strong in You, oh Lord.
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