Being an atheist: “It’s incidental to who I am.”
– 2018 USA State Senator candidate
Is that really what you think… that: How I think is incidental to how I act? That how I think is incidental to what laws and decisions I will support? How ridiculous is that!? A 2018 USA State Senator wannabee candidate is claiming that, even as I write (March-2018). Totally irrational, that.
Your belief system IS your way of thinking. How can your way of thinking NOT affect your decisions on every level?
So then I ask you: What about you? Is YOUR thinking “incidental” to who you are, what you do, the decisions you make, the lifestyle you choose, the political landscape you support…?
If there is no God (to me), then…
- There is no need to be “godly” with my life. “To hell with that! I can do whatever!”
- I can morally do whatever the government allows me to do
- I’ll push for laws that allow me to do whatever I want without contraint
- There are no constraints on my behavior except laws… and what?
- If I can get away with it (whatever “it” I choose…) then it’s just okiedokie
- I will push for agendas of whatever is totally freedom in my imagination
- There is no book of rules or guidelines – only my uninhibited, unchained imagination. My “guidebook”, if you must call it that, is “whatever”.
- Christians are therefore repressed, scorned (maybe pitied), incidental, deplorable (perhaps as Hillary quotes put it)
- Christians are the Enemy because they stand for morality and godliness, and the restraints of true agape love
That is what my “incidental” beliefs do to me – if, to me, there is no God. (Actually kind of makes me god.)
But, if there is a God whom I worship and adore, and sincerely follow, then…
- The driving force of my life is to be more and more like Christ my Savior
- Jesus is my hero, my example to live by
- I repent of my sins, make amends when possible, and freely admit I am weak and in need of my Redeemer Jesus Christ; and am more apt to forgive others
- My choices will consider the well-being of others – before my desires
- Love for others will dominate my interactions every day
- I’ll push for laws that protect people from evil, laws that help people be happy and considerate of the happiness and well-being of others, laws that are equitable by biblical standards
- My guidebook is the Bible, helping me live within the natural boundaries of Creator God’s natural order of things
It’s crazy how atheists (many of them) complain about how Christians think, and how Christians ruin their ways of life with Christian morals, and yet they (like this wannabee a senator lady…) do not admit that they themselves have their own set of values… which Christians find onerous and untenable. Is she in denial, or a stealth candidate for her ways?
Being “anything” is really something. It is not “incidental to who I am”. Even atheists are not “incidental”. It matters what I think. Thinking matters! Who would vote for a senator wannabee who thinks thinking is incidental?!
Will atheist Dem [executive director of Recovering from Religion] have a prayer in deep-red Tennessee’s special election? By Lukas Mikelionis | Fox News
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