If I were a Jew, I’d really want to investigate the claims of Jesus!
*He claimed to be sent from Father God.
*He Himself claimed to be the Messiah.
*He claimed to be the Christ, the long awaited Messiah who was to come to save and fulfill all Jewish faith.
*He has the proper lineage of David!
*He healed the blind, the leper, had authority over storms and sea, was born of a virgin… and on and on and on.
Isn’t that amazing? I am totally in awe of Jesus!
What Jesus taught – His disciples then began to teach to others, testifying that eJesus was the 1Christ. Have you looked-into this?
Acts 18:5 Paul began devoting himself completely to the word, solemnly dtestifying to the Jews that e Jesus was the 1Christ.
Acts 20:21 solemnly atestifying to both Jews and Greeks of brepentance toward God and cfaith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
The life of Jesus lays a burden upon all Jews. Prove Him wrong, or follow Him. How tragic to go all the way through your life time, and never look deeply into Jesus.
Jesus was a Jew. It behooves you, as a Jew, to carefully examine the claims of the greatest man who ever walked the earth. He claimed to be the Messiah. I believe He is your Messiah. He is mine.
Was Jesus Worshipped? | Greg Koukl | 02/05/2013 | from Stand to Reason | str.org
Myths and Facts – A guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict | by Mitchell G. Bard | 2012 | 336 pages | American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (AICE) | Source: http://www.JewishVirtualLibrary.org | Available as PDF download: https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/myths3/MythsEnglish2012.pdf
The Jewish Land of Israel… since 2000 BC
Watch out! God protects Israel
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