God is quite a libertarian, 1 in the sense that – He allows us total freedom to do whatever the hell we want. We love to be freeeeee! That tends to give us such a sense of “yippeeee!” that, as a consequence… our life can kind of get out of control. Just look at the news almost any day!
Lady Gaga
Teens who defaced black school
In the grip of our “yippeeee” lifestyle, we forget God and His ways. It’s just too much fun, we think. And it is true, we can do anything possible, but, as Jesus taught, there will be a day of reckoning. We have total freedom here on earth, but there are consequences. God does have standards.
What we do may be vile to Jesus! 2
Do you really want to be vile, when being vile will land us in His Courts on That Day, condemned by Creator God the Judge, God-damned forever? Wouldn’t you rather get right with your Creator? Now, before it is too late?
A quote from The Damning God:
God is all that matters. He matters because on That Day, someday, we (every one of us!) will stand before Him, the Ultimate Judge, to give an ultimate accounting. And if what you think is not what God thinks, then… who is out-of-line? Who has the wrong “think”? Is it God!? Is it God that doesn’t have His thinking straight? Or is it you?
And so THEN, what are you going to do in That Day? Argue and plead with the Almighty? You really think THAT will work? You are the putty, the mud, in the Sculptor’s hands. Is the mud to question the potter? I stand amazed looking at the arrogant mud-man shaking his puny little mud-fist — at God, the Potter! At God! Ha! What impudence. What futility, despair, regret.
This life is not all there is, but – it is the only life that matters for now. This is it! What ya doin’ with it?
Are you fast and free
with all ye be,
content to be mere mud
(Puny humans)?
Or are you living with eternity in mind, getting ready for that Judgement Day? Have you made the choice? It’s not too late to repent of that – and choose Jesus.
And inasmuch as
it is appointed for men
to die once
after this
comes judgment…
– Hebrews 9:27
Don’t arrive before The Throne of God
– and discover there
that you are merely a God–damned mud-man.
Mere men.
(1 Corinthians 3:3, 2 Corinthians 5:16-17)
Source: The Damning God …and The Forgiving God: One God
Turn to Jesus. He died to save you, to give you eternal life with Him. But, as has been said –
- I´ve got to want it –See OMG article: Want It
- “You’re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed” –Bob Dylan, “Gotta Serve Somebody“. Writer(s): Bob Dylan. Copyright: Special Rider Music. See OMG article: World of Difference
- “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.” –Jesus, Matthew 16:24
- “If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” –Apostle Paul, Romans 10:9
- Meaning of “libertarian”: one who believes in the doctrine of free will.
- From google: vile; adjective: vile; comparative adjective: viler; superlative adjective: vilest, extremely unpleasant. “he has a vile temper”
synonyms: foul, nasty, unpleasant, bad, disagreeable, horrid, horrible,
dreadful, abominable, atrocious, offensive, obnoxious, odious, unsavory, repulsive, disgusting, distasteful, loathsome, hateful, nauseating, sickening;disgraceful, appalling, shocking, sorry, shabby, shameful, dishonorable, execrable, heinous, abhorrent, deplorable, monstrous, wicked, evil, iniquitous, nefarious, depraved, debased;
contemptible, despicable, reprehensible;
informal gross, godawful, lowdown, lousy;
archaic scurvyantonyms: pleasant
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