…a simple view of everything.
God of Everything that is – created everything. We are very fortunate that He is loving and kind, and really, really wants to get to know each of us personally.
He knows everything about everything. Nothing gets past Him. He is eternal and all-powerful.
Creator God is holy: He cannot abide with less, anywhere.
So, way back in time, God of Heaven created a Plan of the Ages. Being all-knowing, and knowing the future, God made a perfect Plan, with no gaps nor need to re-think nor adjust any part whatsoever. He is perfect after all!
Who knows what He did before mankind! Although we are told He did create a myriad of angel creatures of various types. But then, out of nothing, just from Himself — God launched His Plan of the Ages, complete from the start, with no errors or shortsighted gaffs. We here on earth are right smack in the middle of it all.
Creator God created the universe we see above the skies, the earth, all of nature and all creatures here. Then He created all of us – each one individually crafted after His own image. We are incredibly complex creations of His. We owe Him everything.
From the very start – He knew we would fail to be the people of perfection He wanted. He knew we would revolt and reject Him, sinning. So, even before the actual creation, He had a plan as to how He could legally forgive sinners within Heavenly Justice standards. His own Son would become a legal “stand-in” to take our place in Heaven’s courtroom.
And the rest is history! Jesus was that man, His Son. Born into mankind as the baby Jesus, the only God-man ever. He came into history in order to die as God’s legal sacrifice to provide for forgiveness of any human who chooses to follow Him.
Somehow, in God’s legal system: without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. So Jesus purposely came here, died a sinner’s death on the cross – and then resurrected to life, conquering death for us.
Every single human ever born throughout history and in the present – is born under condemnation by God. That is the way it is. In a holy universe, Holy God condemns all sinners. The only way God can forgive any human, is if they confess they are sinners and ask Jesus to forgive them.
That simple act of repentance before Jesus saves us. In that exact moment in time, God will declare you “forever forgiven by Creator God”, never again to have that weight of condemnation upon you – forever in His Graces, forever living with Him in Paradise.
There is “a catch”, a caveat, a deal-breaker, a legal precedent – something that can negate your act of “repentance” before God. It is impossible to avoid, impossible to work-out a deal later, in any way.
The catch is: you have to be sincere and truly follow Him. Nothing less. You are either all in, or all out. God, a Holy God, the Just Judge, demands truth and sincere repentance. Nothing less will do. Anything less is rejected. You cannot fool an all-knowing God. He sees into your soul. How can anyone think they can fake it – with God!?
“Depart from Me. I never knew you.” – Matthew 7:21-23
That is the scariest verse in the Bible – because Jesus projected the scene into the future of when some poor soul is rejected, even after professing faith and supposedly doing religious things in His name! Jesus said, “I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’ ”
Do you yourself “practice lawlessness“, according to God? Jesus knows our inner thoughts, our true self. And He knows if you are a fake. He said that only the person “who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter” heaven.
Are you one of those, or a “supposed Christian” who merely says ‘Lord, Lord,’ – soon to be rejected in That Day?
Read the series on Every believer’s new life in Christ:
- Growing into our natural new life in Christ
- Every believer’s new life in Christ [Part One]
- Explaining the Basic Christian Experience [Part Two]
Our Life As God Sees It – Ephesians 2:1-10
*Capture each part of the process of being made alive in Christ.
Here the passage is broken into its separate phrases and nuanced truths
…explained here by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians chapter 2, verses 1-10.
Jesus Only Always For All Times
Legally Damned – Legally Forgiven
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