…Why I believe in Jesus, and follow Him instead of other gods
When it comes to “why” I believe in Jesus and the Bible, it comes down to all the supportive evidences that show beyond a reasonable doubt that He really was a real man who actually lived (from 0-33AD) and that, in his short life of 33 years, He personally fulfilled over 360 prophecies which were predicted in a very well-documented historical book which I can read for myself – called the Bible.
Jesus is by far
the most “evidentially-based”
religious leader
of all the religions on the planet!
What’ you got? I’ve got real, actual, tangible, historical and scientific evidences for my faith in Jesus.
- Things archeologists dug-up from the earth – like ancient scrolls, ancient cities
- Things scientists have discovered with microscopes or telescopes – not seeable by the naked eye
Just as the DNA of humans are the building blocks that make-up a human, the “DNA” of God, so to speak, is made by all the material evidences we see that point to His existence.
According to forensic scientists, DNA material left behind by a person is proof positive that a specific individual human was there, be it by burial remains or DNA strands left behind during active life. DNA evidence is so exact that government authorities convict and incarcerate criminals because the DNA left behind at the scene of a crime – gives them proof positive of exactly who it was that was there! DNA left behind matches exactly, beyond any doubt, with only one person on the planet.
If we believe forensic scientists, we should take a very close look at the forensic 1 evidences for God 2. I do not accept what smart Alec the scientist/mathematician/actor/guru or whoever opines about his atheistic/agnostic/or whatever religious beliefs. I look at the evidences. Have you really examined what your church or denomination or mosque teaches? Have you put them to the test?
Put them to the test!
Opinons are cheap, whereas true evidences are irrefutable. You can argue with arguments, but evidence is evidence. Arguments are merely what you think, whereas evidence scientifically supports what cannot be refuted. You can deny belief, but you cannot refute the facts.
This is so true in our courts of law that men are jailed by them. Men are executed by them. Why not put your faith to the test? It is stupididiotic to just believe something just because…. Do you really want to look back at your life from the other side, the eternal side, and realize THEN that you were stupididiotic?
I wanted to be convinced by the facts, so I examined the evidences. I personally put my religious beliefs to the test – and found that Jesus is by far the most “evidentially-based” 3 religious leader of all the religions on the planet! After all the evidences – how could I reject Jesus?! I accepted Jesus because He is who He said He was.
I challenge you: Find historical and scientific evidences for your religious beliefs. There is no better way to be certain that what you think is correct, than to challenge your beliefs with real, true evidences.
Take the challenge. It might change your eternity. I took the challenge and it has changed my life forever. My faith in God is not a willy-nilly patchwork. The Christian faith is not inconsistent with historically verified facts. I have based my faith on tangible evidences that cannot be refuted. Have you?
1 Forensic (definition according to the Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary)
1 : belonging to, used in, or suitable to courts of judicature or to public discussion and debate
3 : relating to or dealing with the application of scientific knowledge to legal problems <forensic medicine> <forensic science> <forensic pathologist> <forensic experts>
2 Evidence and Answers (CAARM: The Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry)
3 Evidential Apologetics, by Matt Slick
Credible evidences are why I believe in Jesus, and follow Him instead of other gods. How about you? Have you done your research?
Evidence That Demands A Verdict, Google search compilation.
The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict, a book by Josh McDowell at Christianbook.com.
Evolution: A Theory in Crisis Revisited: Part One (of Three) by
Evolution: A Theory in Crisis Revisited: Part Two (of Three) by
Evolution: A Theory in Crisis Revisited: Part Three (of Three) by
Articles by Michael Denton and Others Excerpt:
Are humans the accidental products of a blind and uncaring universe? Or are they the beneficiaries of a cosmic order that was planned beforehand to help them flourish? Privileged Species is a 33-minute documentary by Discovery Institute that explores growing evidence from physics, chemistry, biology, and related fields that our universe was designed for large multi-cellular beings like ourselves. Featuring geneticist and author Michael Denton, the documentary investigates the special properties of carbon, water, and oxygen that make human life and the life of other organisms possible, and it explores some of the unique features of humans that make us a truly privileged species.
Tangible Evidence |…A Collection of Apologetics | By the website It Has Been Written
3 Major Scientific Discoveries In The Past Century That Point To God – By Stephen C. Meyer 2, 2021
Library of Historical Apologetics
Institute of Creation Research (ICR)
Richard A. Swenson | M.D. | RichardSwenson.com and More Than Meets the Eye.
DVD: Science and the Sovereignty of God
Also at http://www.richardswenson.com
Margin …Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial, and Time Reserves to Overloaded Lives
A Minute of Margin
In Search of Balance
The Design of Life by IllustraMedia
Discovery Institute …Advancing a culture of purpose, creativity, and innovation.
In the news: Prosecute Darwin Skeptics Under RICO Act? Posted on
Rational Christianity …Christian Apologetics by stay-at-home mother, India Fultz.
| Historical and Archaeological Evidence for Christianity |
Fulfilled Prophecy: Evidence for the Reliability of the Bible | by Hugh Ross at reasons.org
Evidential Apologetics, by Matt Slick
Evidence and Answers (CAARM: The Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry)
The Apologetics of Peter | A Logical Argument for the Deity of Christ | From: Probe for Answers
Jesus declares He is God in 7 “I am” Statements
John 8: Jesus Himself Declared He Is God
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty
Our perfect God and our response to Him
Jesus Predicted His Death and Resurrection… Luke 18:31-34
On the Physical Death of Jesus Christ
1 Corinthians 15:12-58. Resurrection verses
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