Being God damned in hell is to be forever damned forever without God without joy without happiness devoid of God’s goodness without any good thing (since God is good) forever doomed in gloom defeated beaten always restless never satisfied never content never calm never relaxed never rested empty devoid of future good unfulfilled in everything living an existence compared to burning in a lake of fire and have no friends no friendship no spouse no love no good feelings no sexual arousal no sexual fulfillment only frustration only lust no blessings from God whatsoever forever no peace only sorrow only despair no hope no escape no second chance no forgiveness from God or anyone no pardon
Being God damned on earth is to be simply living your life – without Christ, living in rebellion against God, refusing to bow your knee to God, refusing his free gift of eternal life, living for anyone or anything else…
Being God Damned (in Hell)
Being God damned in hell is to be forever damned, forever without God, without joy, without happiness, devoid of God’s goodness, without any good thing (since God is good), forever doomed in gloom, defeated, beaten, always restless, never satisfied, never…
The Damning God Excerpt:
Don’t arrive before The Throne of God – and discover there that you are still merely a God damned mud-man.
I stand amazed looking at the arrogant mud-man
shaking his puny little mud-fist —- at God, the Potter!
At God! Ha!
What impudence.
What futility, despair, regret.
God forgives sins by His Holy Holy Justice
The Kingdom of God is very exclusive, very luxurious, very special
“Hell is a hot damn!”
Note: Hell is not just where we (those there) sit in a lake of fire burning up forever. It is described with all these words (not just fire):
the second death,
eternal punishment,
outer darkness,
pits of darkness,
chains of darkness,
my bed in the darkness,
lake of fire,
unquenchable fire,
fiery hell,
the nether world,
Sheol, Gehenna, Hades….
– Reference: Hell in the Bible.
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