Was Matthias an Apostle?
by Randall Shelley
It can be argued either way.
A. He became an apostle:
1) He was with Jesus from the beginning of His ministry. (Acts 1:21-22)
2) The apostles prayed to the Lord to show them which to select to replace Judas. (Acts 1:24)
3) The eleven remaining apostles “cast lots” and took the result as a sign from God that Matthias should be selected and “…he was added to the eleven apostles.” (Acts 1:26)
B. He did not become an apostle:
1) Barsabbas was also with Jesus from the beginning of His ministry, and possibly other men. (Acts 1:21-23)
2) If an apostle was one who was called to the ministry directly by Christ, face to face, then this does not meet that test. (Mark 3:13-19; Romans 1:1)
3) Casting lots seems an unusual way to select a person for so important a position. Just because the apostles did it, does not mean that it was right. The Bible records things the apostles did that were not right.
I am leaning toward “yes, he became an apostle”, because of the last eight words of Acts 1:26. Since Matthias cannot be left out of any discussion of apostles, you readers will have to decide for yourselves.
For Further Reading: Wikipedia – Saint Matthias
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